"Chip is the first speaker we've invited to return and facilitate a team building session for senior managers at our annual company conference. His commitment, energy and enthusiasm are contagious. A key to Chip's ability to get the most out of the session and to engage the team is the importance he places on preparing for the specific audience through numerous conversations with different team members. As a result, his presentations do not appear to be 'off the shelf' but are customized and unique."


Anthony Joseph


Concessions International

"Thank you so very much for your excellent presentation. I am confident your message will help us to the next level of productivity. You seemed to be dialed in to exactly our needs and it really showed. So many of our sales people approached me after the conference and were just amazed at how you were able to reach them at the core of their issues. I have to say, of all the inspirational speakers that we have heard and used, yours was by far the most meaningful and insightful."


Tony Horpel

President & CEO

Great Northern Financial Securities

"Your performance at our recent Sales Conference in Palm Springs was Outstanding!!! You generated the energy we needed to start the three day conference off with a bang!!! You were enthusiastic, energetic, and inspirational. You truly got our field sales force Switched On. The energy you created with our group lasted throughout the entire event.


The California Lottery has been conducting these types of sales conferences for twenty years and I have never seen a speaker get our group as motivated as you got them. Your presentation was one of the major factors that made our event a huge success!"


Al Alvarado

Key Account Manager

California Lottery



"Chip! You are a phenom! EVERYBODY is still talking about you...even at the airport. Thank you so much for all your time and effort to make our event such a HUGE success. Because I watched all your videos and talked to your clients about you I had high expectations and hopes. You way exceeded all of them. Your humor, your energy, your pace, the Board Break Experience, and my favorite 'The Seagull' left us without a single dull moment. Rapt attention from that group is hard to come by, but you got it!"


Jan Fox

Billy Casper Golf


Read the full letter from Billy Casper Golf.

Raving Fans

"Chip's energy and training was perfect for our event. The 'breaking of the boards' at the end of the training event created confidence and excitement in those who were doubtful and a great sense of teamwork as each person cheered the others in their efforts. It definitely kicked off our event with class and excitement!"


Kevin Lange

Director of Training

ServiceMaster Clean

"This was the perfect way to start our ABA Marketing Conference. Your energy and enthusiasm inspired attendees to ACT rather than waste time talking.


Your session was the highest rated - 4.83/5!"


John Capotosto

Senior Program Manager

AmericanBankers Association

"Wow!!! What a way to start off our annual sales conference. You sure left everyone wanting more. The time you invested speaking with several of my key managers in the field and with me prior to the engagement, made all the difference. Your uncanny ability to incorporate so much of what you learned about our company into your session truly customized the message hitting the nail squarely on the head. Yes!!!"


Jack Schmidt

Chief Marketing Officer

Benchmark Hospitality

"Everyone in attendance really enjoyed your presentation and got Switched On. You gave us all some new ways to interpret the challenges we face everyday, and energized and inspired our resorts management team to plan this year with a fresh outlook."


Shawn W. Erickson

Sr. Vice President

Bluegreen Resorts Management, Inc.



"This was a key meeting to ensure Borland's highly-skilled sales team has all the tools they need to succeed in selling our best-in-class technology solutions. There is no doubt that your presentation was a motivational shot in the arm we needed. The energy and enthusiasm helped to get us all Switched On! - did the energy and momentum carry throughout the week? "1 - 2 - 3...YES!"


Dale Fuller


Borland Software Corporation

“If you look up the word “ Energize “ in the dictionary you will likely find a picture of Chip Eichelberger. You challenged our 100 key leaders to reevaluate and get recharged on the important things in life. You took the time to do interviews and integrate those findings into practical content they will use immediately in their lives and driving sales growth. We believe in personal development of our associates and hired you to Switch On all of our associates in 39 regions in 2020/2021!"


Jon Jaffe


Lennar Homes

"I want you to know that 'Chip lives on' in our daily lives. Your presentation touched all of us. In fact we have had 'keeping Chip alive' and 'living what Chip taught us' as agenda items in our team and leadership meetings ever since you were here."


Debbie Baker-Oliver

Executive Director - Real Estate Operations

Cingular Wireless



"I am so impressed with your presentation and the way you personalized it to us. The preparation you did to familiarize your self with Culligan, our personality and culture is truly commendable. Every one of our 1000 plus distributors was blown away by what you did. I will sincerely recommend you highly to anyone needing an exciting and powerful influence at a meeting!


Mike Reardon

Chief Operating Officer


"Chip did an outstanding job challenging the status quo with our group. Many people set new goals for themselves after hearing his talk and developed a way to track their progress with the tools Chip gave them. Many people in our group requested another talk from him at our next meeting. I strongly recommend him."


Frank Leonard

Regional Vice President


"Thanks for your outstanding keynote presentation at I-many's Summit for over 1300 of our customers. You were highly energizing as well as very informative, giving the audience great information they can use in their day-to-day business activities. They loved you as the evaluations showed excellent ratings across the board. I can see why our sales group used you the last two years!"


Leigh Powell

President and CEO

1-many, Inc.



"Your unique ability to tailor the discussion directly to the audience was one of the keys to your success. They appreciated you took the time to interview several sales consultants before the meeting. Honestly, I don't think anyone else could have made such a big impact, and inspired these people to take action and make a difference."


Craig Questelle

General Zone Manager

Lincoln Mercury

"What a wonderful inspiration you are! When a meeting planner engages a professional public speaker from a video promo tape, they are always a little anxious about the actual presentation (and presenter). I had hoped for you to end our day on an up-beat note. I got my wish granted past my wildest hopes! Your presentation was not only inspired, but INSPIRATIONAL! What a wonderful feeling it must be to know that you have touched people and helped change their lives for the better!"


Victoria Wheeler

Director of Member Services

Material Handling Industry of America

"The effort that you put forth in preparing for the presentation was evident. Taking your car to a local Meineke shop, talking to a number of Meineke managers, visiting our dealer website, attending several seminars during our conference and spending time with us in advance of your presentation all resulted in a message that was on target, exciting, motivating and relevant.


"Thanks also for your "off line" ideas that will be helpful to us in the future. You hit on all cylinders and your message was matched by your energetic style."


Gene Zhiss

VP Marketing & Dealer Communications

Meineke Car Care Centers, Inc.



"After your terrific ending to our National Sales Meeting last year, I felt challenged to find a similar finale for this year's event. I looked at many videos and spoke with several nationally known, and very expensive speakers. My conclusion: call you and see if you could design something as exciting but different from you talk last year. Chip, once again you exceeded my expectations. It was incredible! The talk was perfect for our theme and the board break was phenomenal!"


Marc Winchester

Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing

Misys Healthcare Systems


"Wow - 4.9 out of 5 is an amazing performance. Here are a few of the comments:


  • 'Get this guy back! The best seminar at the show!'
  • 'Off the chart, best I've ever heard - practical, usable material, simple yet profound.'
  • 'Excellent presenter with valuable tools to use and put into effect immediately!'
  • 'This man was by far the best speaker I heard at the conference!'
  • 'Aha - a motivational speaker who doesn't scream. Well done, great ideas in an entertaining package.'


Rusty Dietz

Director of Education

National Association of Home Builders

"On behalf of Nokia's Latin America COM Core Team, thanks for kicking-off our event in such an extraordinary way. Not only were they listening, but you were heard! Many of the subsequent speakers incorporated your key statement and phrases into their presentations. Thanks for setting the tone for a very successful event!"


Laurie M. Wallace

Meeting Coordinator


"One of the most rewarding decisions we made this year was to have you present your customized program to staff of Ocean City Home Bank. Your presentation was entertaining, informative and inspiring. Employees throughout all the branches were energized, applying your ideas and suggestions in their lives the very next day."


Steven E. Brady

President and CEO

Ocean City Home Bank



"The ease with which you connected with our General Managers was amazing! They were engaged and convinced of your message within the first two minutes. The energy that you put into tailoring your speech to our audience did not go unnoticed. Your level of preparedness helped to lend legitimacy to the message that we heard."



Dave Orenstein


On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina

Brinker International

"Thank you for your time, effort and great presentation at our nationwide sales conference. You did your homework! Your session got rave reviews and I personally enjoyed the material."


Gary L. Miles

Chief Executive Officer, Radio

Rogers Media



"WOW! We knew you were going to be good, but quite honestly, you bring new meaning to the concept of exceeding expectations. The best reward, however, is the feedback we have received from our Store Managers, and the consensus about your positive impact, your energy, and well-grounded nature is unanimous. Your ability to transfer enthusiasm, while incorporating your message with the vision of our company, really hit home for our management team. I can personally attest you switched me on and I haven't been switched off since!"


Greg Sparks


Safeway, Inc., Seattle Division

"At our user's conference last week, we contracted Astronaut Buzz Aldrin to speak to our more than 350 financial institution customers. At 6:45 p.m. the night before he was supposed to do our closing session, he had to cancel due to an illness. We jumped online and found Chip. We spoke to him and realized what a good fit he would be for our audience, and one hour later he was on a plane to Atlanta to speak to our customers the following morning at 8:30 a.m. Chip handled the situation very professionally, and was surprisingly able to work in relevant examples and key messages from our company in such a short amount of preparation time. I can't imagine if he had had more than a few hours to prepare!


"Chip did a phenomenal job at filling in some pretty big shoes - Buzz Aldrin. Many of our customers walked out of the room saying, 'You should have planned to have him speak all along. He was great.' They were all smiling and asking for more of his 'Get Switched On' cards to take back to their co-workers. He has a unique approach to energizing your crowd and sending them home (or into additional meetings) very excited about making the information that they learn at your conference work for them - in a balanced approach to life."


Chris Watson

Director of Corporate Communications

Security First Technologies

(S1 Corporation)

"On a scale from one to five, with one equaling poor and five equaling excellent, you receive a score of 4.8 from conference attendees. Participants noted that it was a powerful program with concrete information...highly motivational...outstanding! The conference was a tremendous success and your presentation was a big contribution."


M. Lauren Basham

Professional in Business

Director of Education

Society of Consumer Affairs

"Your keynote address was just what the doctor ordered...positive, upbeat, thought-provoking and very entertaining! Many attendees thanked me for having the wisdom to book you; I like compliments like that. You had obviously had done your homework well and geared your message perfectly to the need of our REALTOR audience. I know thinks like that are no accident, so thanks for that extra preparation!"


Charles Pug Scoville

Director of Education

Tennessee Association of Realtors

"You surpassed all expectations and help lead Terminix to one of the most successful jump starts to the year we have experienced. No speaker has ever spent the time in the field learning our sales structure and business like you did.


"Your (15 presentations) were dynamic, high-energy and the powerful delivery not only motivated our sales professionals, but it empowered them to put to use the valuable information and tools you shared."



Bill Sublette

Vice President of Sales


"You did it! You put the icing on the cake. I have been trying for almost three years to get our management team revved up about customer service. I knew in my heart it was primarily about attitude as much as skill. You made them look at themselves. This is a very effective way to make an investment with a huge payback. You will be hearing from me again!"


Harry Rider III


Union Memorial Hospital



I have witnessed countless business & motivational speakers over my career of 34 years.  Chip Eichelberger is flat-out top of the charts for his ability to connect and interact with his audience to generate positive change. His prep work and customization before the event with these ELITE award winners was spot on.”


Randy Waddell

SVP Sales & Marketing


"You were the shot in the arm needed to reinvigorate our management staff. It is obvious to me that you know how to please your customer in terms of your talks! We really appreciate the customization of your talks to the Hospital Center and the insights you gave us to energize and motivate employees to take ownership for and energize themselves for personal excellence and peak performance. I found your talk inspiring. Thanks you for two superb talks, fantastic delivery and the tools to hold ourselves accountable."


Margery Huge

Director Strategic Communications

Washington Hospital Center



"I went home very motivated to make changes in my life style but also in the lives of my family. I held a mini get switched on meeting and had the whole family excited about making positive changes in our family life and personal lives. The entire family with the exception of my 5 year old son has joined a gym and work out on a regular basis each week. We all have eliminated junk food, fast food and all around non healthy items. So what have the results been, well I myself have lost over 42 pounds and feel great. My wife Patricia and 13 year old daughter Madeleine have done great also. My 17 year old daughter Megan was already in top notch shape but has participated to support our effort. Madeleine after loosing about 20 pounds during the summer was able to go back to school much more confident in herself and that has made her mother and I very proud.


"Back to myself, while out dealer calling I was embarrassed about how my clothes did not fit, just to damn big. I had to stop at a store while 200 miles away from home and buy a new shirt, pair of pants and a much smaller belt. I walked out of the store a new person, more confident in myself and feeling great. My first stop of the day I walked into the dealership with my head up, confident in myself and not subconscious about the way people viewed me. All my visits since that day have been more productive because I feel better about myself and project that confidence to the individuals that I meet with. So the bottom line is it has been a win win both personally and professionally. So thanks for the kick in the you know what, it's just what I needed."


John J. Gunther III

Underwriter, Dealer Financial Services



Copyright 2022 © Chip Eichelberger - All rights reserved | Motivational Speaker and Keynote Speaker - Get Switched On! | Design & Marketing By: Forty-Second Street, Inc