How are you planning on closing your next convention? Sending them out the door charging with an unforgettable experience could make it your best event ever! Watch this video. The importance of team-building activity has been proven as a way to get everyone working together like a well-oiled machine.


Team-building sessions dramatically strengthen interaction among your people, improve communication and motivate people for better results. When the competition is tough or the market is shifting, you want to ensure your team continues to feel inspired and consistently brings their “A” game.


In any organization, the individual’s internal dialog can hamper performance. Anyone can be affected by limiting beliefs about themselves, the product or service they represent, the competition or even customers. As a result, people no longer see what is truly possible and miss out on important opportunities. These obstacles need to be overcome for your team and company to succeed.


The “Board Break Experience” was developed for overcoming challenges like these. Encourage members of your team to recognize their own limiting beliefs and what holds them back from stellar performance. Together, they’ll take a hard look at what they are currently doing and where they need to be to deliver consistent “A” game results. Chip has led tens of thousands through this exercise.


Once indentified, each team member will write what they must believe to win and what decision they must make now on their board. Next everyone is given specific instructions on how to achieve the ideal emotional state and solid focus for this exercise. Then, they work together as a team to break through barriers and boards. The excitement in the room during this team-building activity is electric as participants are moved and empowered by this intense, emotional and physical metaphor.


The Board Break Experience is an impressive and memorable team building presentation for wrapping up to your event. Many companies choose to add this to another of Chip’s highly interactive, motivational sessions for a half-day program that’s sure to get rave reviews. Often he will open the day with a customized program and then close the day with this session. What a fabulous finale to break boards before starting the trip back home. Your people will talk about this session for years and feel inspired to consistently take action for vastly improved performance.



Empowering Team-Building Activity

Chip’s Board Break Experience

Raving Fans

"Thank you for 3 great performances. We have not had outside speakers for a number of years due to disappointing and lackluster performances that just did not connect with nor energize our people. I must say you won over the most jaded nay-sayers amongst us and hit the ball out of the park, bases loaded, every time! You were a pleasure to work with on all levels and we would all agree that you were the best guest speaker we have ever had. Thanks again for helping us to "Own It!" and for getting us all "Switched On" to achieving greater levels of personal and professional performance."


Drew l. Miller

National Training Director

Furniture Row Companies

Chip Infuses the Room with Contagious Enthusiasm to Activate Change


Hire Chip for Your Next Meeting


In the last 20 years, Chip has presented over 1,000 customized programs with rave reviews. Having worked as Tony Robbins’ international point man, his masterful mix of motivational, entertaining and practical content will ignite your team into action. He’ll challenge your group to assess current practices, see new possibilities and strive for higher levels of performance on a continual basis.


Chip’s highly engaging, interactive workshop-style programs and team building activity leave a lasting impression versus the usual one-way keynote. View his video to see for yourself. His unstoppable enthusiasm is perfect to kick-off your meeting or provide a memorable finale.


Contact Chip directly at 865-300-2742 or complete the form below now.




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