It’s time for personal accountability and making smarter choices about life. Think about this – is a goal to get healthier a good goal? Not according to Chip because that is far too vague and there is no way to hold yourself accountable! Great goals are specific so you know exactly what to do and how to measure your results.


For example, you might decide to lose 30 lbs., which is wonderful, but don’t stop there. Set clear goals including elements like eliminate soda, drink a green-based smoothie each day, exercise aerobically five times a week for 40 minutes, lower your cholesterol to under 200 and reduce body fat by a specific percentage.


Most people are afraid to measure what they are doing, but that can be the most motivating choice you make. When you create a chart and check off the items, you feel empowered and can see what you are doing towards your goal. Your results become black and white and gratifying as you see those check boxes fill in. When you track it, you are much more likely to do the steps. Creating a plan of action and following through is very satisfying and it works! Get my energy schedule.


Confronting your neglect is the first step in personal accountability. You need to understand the impact your current actions have on your life. If you don’t reverse that, think about what the consequences will be. Lack of discipline in one area of your life absolutely affects other areas too.


Holding yourself accountable is hard for some people. But imagine what your life would look like if you maintain personal accountability for one full year. What kind of person would you need to be to live that vision? What other benefits would arise as a result? Think long-term because this determines the quality of life when you get older.


In Chip’s sessions, he is the trigger to motivate your people and get them moving in this direction. A team who takes personal responsibility to focus on their health and vitality will be accountable at work and deliver better results. A hot streak starts with one event and Chip will light a fire under your people to take initiative at work  and be up for the challenge.

Personal Accountability Leads to

High-Energy, Health and Vitality

Hire Chip for Energizing Sessions on Personal Accountability


With over 1,000 customized successful programs in 20 years, Chip’s sessions inspire teams to improve results and achieve more on a consistent basis. As the international point person for world renowned Tony Robbins, Chip’s experience allows him to create a powerful blend of motivational, entertaining and practical content to ignite your team and shift them into action.


Chip’s high-energy, interactive workshop-style programs leave your people with lasting motivation long after the program is over. Known for doing his homework, he researches your company and talks to your key people to connect with audiences and deliver a relatable program that wows the audience. He makes meeting planners look good.


Contact Chip directly at 865-300-2742 or complete the form below now.



"Listening to Chip and the messages he delivers with enthusiasm and passion it is a sobering reminder of how important personal accountability is.  You can't help but to want to dig deep and feel the emotional satisfaction of improvement with an outcome of even greater personal and professional accomplishments. I have received so much positive feedback on both presentations to our team and our dealers!



Lori Bernt - Director of Marketing


Raving Fans


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