For a memorable event with lasting impact, you need motivational meeting themes that are sure to set you up for success. Since your theme communicates the company’s core message for the event, everything else build’s from there. For example, the keynotes, breakout sessions, room décor, colors, awards, receptions, PowerPoint template, as well as incentives and prizes for guests need to focus on your central idea.


5 Basics for Successful Motivational Meeting Themes


1. Use a strong call to action so your audience knows what action to take after the meeting ends. When your team knows what is expected, they will take the steps to deliver those results.


2. Be sure your sales conference theme branding fits well with your company image and focus for the year for the best results. Consistency is very important for all communication before, during and after the event.


3. Keep the theme simple so it’s easily understood and memorable. You want to create buzz and get participants talking about the sales meeting theme before they even arrive.


4. Fully integrate program elements with your convention theme. Every piece of the meeting should reflect your central idea to reinforce your message and bring it to life. When the printed materials, PowerPoint template, banners, ad specialty choice, décor, breakout session topics, keynotes, and incentives mirror your concept, you know the elements are working together to create an inspiring program.


5. Involve your speakers early in the process to be sure they include the motivational meeting themes into their presentations. When you give your keynote speaker plenty of time to customize the program, they will incorporate your branding and theme to reinforce your message and call to action. Will they be a partner like Chip or a rental?


If you are seeking empowering leadership conference theme ideas, Chip can help you there too. His proven list of meeting theme ideas have been put to use by many meeting planners and continue to work time after time. Download your copy here.


Top Motivational Meeting Themes

Deliver Event Success

Raving Fans

“Chip’s enthusiasm for living life to its fullest, setting personal priorities and performing at our maximum potential is infectious. I certainly appreciated him doing his homework to make his presentation relevant to the logging industry. He sounded like one of us! He is among the best presenters we have ever had in 44 years of annual conventions. The message was right on target and very timely for the current circumstances in our industry.”


Jim Geisinger - Executive Vice President

Associated Oregon Loggers, Inc.



Chip Delivers Dynamic Presentations with Lasting Impact to Ignite Change


Work with Chip for Your Next Sales Conference


Count on Chip to deliver a customized presentation that starts or ends your event with remarkable gusto. With 1,000+ programs to his credit over 20 years, he’s got lots of raving fans and testimonials from extremely happy clients. He does his homework to ensure the program fits with your company culture and business situation and prepares a tailor-made handout so the audience can follow along.


Captivate and inspire your audience with an interactive, energizing workshop that motivates, delivers practical content and makes them laugh. Chip will challenge your team to look closely at where they are and want to be and get fired up to take action right away.


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