As a motivational speaker, Chip offers a number of time-tested methods for motivating a sales force and encouraging outstanding performance. Start your day or week with an inspiring huddle. They are effective in many sports for a reason. Show appreciation for wins, share strategies from success stories, announce contests and deliver rewards, and track key performance indicators to encourage each team member to strive for more.


How to Motivate Your Sales Staff with Huddles


One of the best ways for motivating a sales force is to start the day or week with a huddle. This short, stand-up meeting is the time to spell out goals, assign tasks, and clarify the agenda for the day or week ahead. You can give each person an opportunity to share something positive and celebrate successes. Add some energetic music and end with a team cheer like, “One, two, three, yes!” Watch this video for how to conduct a great huddle.


The huddle gives your sales force time to focus and get excited about what is ahead. Sports teams have been using huddles forever and now you can leverage the team-building power to increase sales.


Showing Appreciation Works Great for Motivating Your Sales Team


When you look for and celebrate your team members’ wins, you are using a powerful tool for motivating a sales force. Track key performance indicators and hold people accountable to keep them working at top levels. Personalizing that recognition has a positive impact beyond trips or big prizes. A hand-written note acknowledging success will get tucked away and treasured because it’s a highly personal form of appreciation that few people experience.


Be Your Sale’s Team Coach to Improve Performance


When you act like a coach with your sales staff, you can positively impact their skill level and presentations. Video tape their presentations to train people to make better sales pitches. Give positive feedback and reinforce what they are doing well. Show them opportunities to tweak their methods that will enhance their presentation. This video shows you how to do it.


By showing your team how to avoid “dropping their entire bucket” in front of the customer and talking too much, you can greatly impact the quality of their presentations. Holding back and asking more strategic questions generates more engagement and better serves prospects. Most people talk so much they talk themselves right out of a sale. When your sales force listens more, they will sell more. That’s a surefire way to connect with customers and improve sales performance as you can see in this video.


Motivating Sales Force

Chip’s Best Practices Deliver Results

"We hired Chip for our National Sales Meeting to get our team focused and committed to have a GREAT year. Our industry is very competitive and our sale professionals must be even better prepared to tell our unique story in the market place. Chip's energy was contagious and he effectively challenged our seasoned vets to get back to the basics and take their game to the next level. In addition to challenging us professionally he challenged us personally and I have no doubt he inspired many of us to make changes that will positively impact the rest of our lives."


Chris Knapp

Neptune Technology Group

Field Support Manager

Raving Fans

Chip Delivers Dynamic Presentations with Lasting Impact to Ignite Change


Count on Chip to deliver a customized presentation that starts or ends your event with remarkable energy. With 1,000+ programs to his credit over 20 years, he’s got lots of raving fans and testimonials from extremely happy clients. He does his homework to ensure the program fits your company culture and business situation and prepares a tailor-made handout so the audience will follow along.


Captivate and inspire your people with a highly interactive, energizing workshop-style session that motivates, delivers practical content and makes them laugh. Chip is known for motivating a sales force and challenging your team to look closely at their methods and then get fired up to increase sales.


Contact Chip directly at 865-300-2742 or complete the form below.




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