Selecting a strong leadership conference theme can make your meeting memorable and ignite your leaders into action. A powerful theme gives you a creative foundation to build on and the ability to integrate all the aspects of your conference. When everything works together to reinforce your company message, from keynotes and breakouts to décor, food and incentives, you know you’ll make a lasting impression.


That’s how you get your team to go back to the office fired up and strive for new levels of achievement. Your leaders will motivate their teams to honestly assess current methods, rethink how they do business and become fully engaged so they can deliver exceptional results all year long.


Chip Helps You Craft the Right Leadership Conference Themes


The best leadership themes incorporate a simple call to action your leaders can use to motivate their staff. With over 1,000 meetings under his belt including working with the renowned Tony Robbins, Chip has the know-how to help you create solid leadership and sales conference themes that ignite your staff into action. Count on him to prepare extensively and customize the material for leadership meeting themes that deliver lasting results.


Work with a Speaker Who Activates Your Leaders


Get your audience to their feet with Chip’s engaging keynotes, infused with energy, enthusiasm and emotion. His clients have been thrilled with how he slips seamlessly into company culture, helping audiences embrace his material like he’s one of them.

Invigorating Leadership Conference Themes

Motivate Your Team

Raving Fans

"We hired Chip for our National Sales Meeting to get our team focused and committed to have a GREAT year. Our industry is very competitive and our sale professionals must be even better prepared to tell our unique story in the market place. Chip's energy was contagious and he effectively challenged our seasoned vets to get back to the basics and take their game to the next level. In addition to challenging us professionally he challenged us personally and I have no doubt he inspired many of us to make changes that will positively impact the rest of our lives."


Chris Knapp

Neptune Technology Group

Field Support Manager

Chip’s Highly Engaging, Interactive Keynotes Ignite Teams with a Lasting Impact


Hire Chip for Your Next Event of Meeting


With 1,000+ events over the last 20 years, Chip has successfully presented tailored programs that fit with sales meeting themes [link to “Sales Meeting Themes” page] and business situations. Take a look at the testimonials and Raving Fans to see all his satisfied clients. Chip does his homework every time, with a masterful blend of motivation, humor and practical content for an exciting kicks-off or a memorable finale.


He challenges the audience to take a hard look at where they are now and want to be. Your group will be fired up to take action and strive for exceptional results on a more consistent basis. The best leadership conference themes deliver lasting impact that motivates your audience to strive for better results throughout the year.


Please fill out the form below and click submit. You’ll be redirected to the page with the pdf that lists Leadership Conference Theme options.




Copyright 2022 © Chip Eichelberger - All rights reserved | Motivational Speaker and Keynote Speaker - Get Switched On! | Design & Marketing By: Forty-Second Street, Inc