Not only has Chip been a full-commission sales person throughout his career, has also been chosen to speak at hundreds of sale conventions for every sales model imaginable. For outstanding sales success that breaks through tough barriers, take an honest look at how you engage with your customers before, during and after the sale. If you are ready to increase sales, it’s time to get serious about presentation style and how you interact with prospects.


Sales people often fall back on PowerPoint presentations that talk all about your company. But in truth, this rarely works to engage your customers or get them interested in hiring you or buying your products. This is exactly what Chip explains in his highly interactive and energizing programs “Switch On Your Sales” and “Switch On Your Persuasion”.


Clarify What Fills the Sales Funnel


The first step to motivate your sales force and increase sales is to clarify what fills your sales funnel. Uncover the surefire activities that are known to attract new prospects. Then start tracking these key performance indicators so you know what works and can execute against these items more consistently.


Engage Customers with Questions


Another empowering step to increase sales is to train your team to ask more effective questions and engage with customers. Add phrases like, “That is interesting, tell me more,” and “Why would you say that?” This better serves prospects rather than telling them what you think they need.


To be effective, your sales team needs to do their homework to understand the client’s business, market place and competition, enabling them to speak the customer’s language. Finding out what problems prospects need solved and offering the solutions they seek is how to improve sales.


“Switch on Persuasion”


Great stories that are credible, unexpected and ‘sticky’ sell far better than reciting facts, features or even benefits. Show your team how to enhance their influence with prospects by audiotaping and videotaping their sales presentations.


For most sales models, it is as simple as saying to clients, “I am constantly trying to improve my listening skills and the way I tell our story. Would you mind if I recorded myself today?” That works well for audio. With group presentations, you simply set up the camera on a tripod in the back and mention that you are taping to improve performance.


Provide constructive feedback and have the individuals watch and listen as well to see areas for improvement. A good story draws people in and demonstrates your points without spelling each one out specifically.


Testimonials Sell


Documenting your success with customers is essential. You must capture and share the stories across your social media platforms. There are not secrets any more. You CANNOT hide from bad reviews! Capturing rave reviews from satisfied customers with pictures, (before and after), in writing and on video are powerful influencers when it comes to persuading new prospects to buy.


Capture what your customers are happy about on your smart phone and use that later as part of your presentation. For testimonials with the strongest ability to persuade, ask your customers to explain what has changed since working with you or your products.  Go back to those customers 6-months, 1-year, 2-years or more to get their story! Today social proof of the results you deliver is critical and very convincing.


Increase Sales by Improving

Personal Engagement with Customers

Raving Fans

"I mean this sincerely. Chip did a fantastic job of getting my annual sales conference charged and ready for the New Year. You did your homework and it showed. After your presentation everyone in the room knew they had what it takes to go out and make it happen!"


Jose Becquer

Vice President Treasury Management

Wells Fargo

Chip’s Programs Fire Up Your Team to Increase Sales for New Levels of Success


If you want to ignite your team to bring their “A Game” on a consistent basis and increase sales, choose Chip as your next motivational keynote speaker. His highly interactive, energizing programs go far beyond the average keynote, making a huge impression that can last throughout the year.


Chip always does his homework, researching your company, market and competition as well as talking to key team members for a customized session that is relevant and reinforces your message. With 20 years of experiencing including time as Tony Robbins’ international point man and over 1,000 successful presentations, Chip ensures a memorable event that makes meeting planners look great.


Contact Chip directly at 865-300-2742 or complete the form below now.



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