Do you wish you had more energy? Do you have trouble sleeping or hit the snooze button every morning? How much coffee does it take to get going?

If you can relate, you’re not alone. Sleep-deprivation and stress wear down the body and affect your mindset. But you can turn this around and regain your vitality. Here are four tips to recharge your system to feel more motivation at work and quickly get back to peak performance:


1. Think lean and green. Instead of a fat-laden breakfast of bacon and eggs or a sugary doughnut that messes with your blood sugar and mood, start your day with the Get Switched On Smoothie teeming with revitalizing nutrients. Try Chip’s easy recipe for a delicious and energizing green-based smoothie.


For lasting energy and vibrant health, Chip recommends a diet filled with water-rich LIVE foods including plenty of fresh and raw vegetables to munch on or juice as well as healthy nuts and fats. He suggests a large salad and a small entrée make the best main meal. Download his list of alkaline live foods here.


2. Make some tough choices.  Soda is the number one source of calories for Americans. The average American drinks 746, 12-ounce sodas a year, which equates to at least 7,460 teaspoons of sugar. Many people drink much more. Maybe your guilty pleasure is chips, cookies, doughnuts or candy bars.


It’s time to make tough choices. What are you willing to STOP eating or drinking? Take control by bringing a small cooler packed with healthy options, especially important for reps that spend loads of time in the car. These food choices will help you feel more energy at work and be more productive.


3. Get Moving and Get Switched On. Motion creates emotion. The quality of your life long term will be largely dictated by the quality of your movement. Stop thinking “one day” I’ll get around to taking care of myself. Start NOW! Download the Get Switched On Energy Schedule and set a goal of a number of 30-minute workouts per month. Be sure to get a good sweat and your heart rate up. (180 minus your age is a good target). Chip has used this schedule for over 20 years with great success.


Another great tip is to have a mini-trampoline handy at work. It’s a small piece of equipment, typically 40” wide and 6” off the ground. Chip has had one in his office for 10 years and consistently takes brief 2-3 minute breaks during the day. Now, that’s how to get more energy at work!


How to Get More Energy for

Peak Performance at Work

“Chip had a phenomenal impact on HHHunt in four cities on successive days. By promoting a sense of personal responsibility for us to become better as individuals, he has enabled us to develop into an even more exceptional team. His message of getting "switched on" has created an energy toward change will have a lasting, positive impact on both our people and our customers. You can be confident in choosing Chip to ignite your organization.”


Daniel T. Schmitt & Buck Hunt - President and CEO

HHHunt Corporation

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Chip Infuses the Room with Contagious Enthusiasm to Activate Change


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In the past 20 years, Chip has presented over 1,000 customized programs with rave reviews. Having worked as Tony Robbins’ international point man, his masterful mix of motivational, entertaining and practical content will ignite your team into action. He’ll challenge your group to assess current practices, see new possibilities and strive for higher levels of performance on a continual basis.


Chip’s highly engaging, interactive workshop-style programs leave a lasting impression versus the usual one-way keynote. His unstoppable enthusiasm is perfect to kick-off your meeting or provide a memorable finale.


Contact Chip directly at 865-300-2742 or complete the form below now.




Copyright 2022 © Chip Eichelberger - All rights reserved | Motivational Speaker and Keynote Speaker - Get Switched On! | Design & Marketing By: Forty-Second Street, Inc