Chip Eichelberger's "Stay Switched On" Package Gives You Greater Return on Your Investment and is included in every speaking fee

Before the event: You will have a call with Chip so he can get the "big picture" of your event, theme and desired outcomes. He then uses a proven questionnaire to gather the information needed to customize his program. He will ask you for at least 3 other key leaders he can interview at least six weeks out. If you wish, he will also create a customized video to create audience interest in advance.


Here are three special documents to help you:

At the event: If logistically possible, Chip will arrive in time the night before to attend any dinner/reception. He is easy to work with and glad to pitch in and help any way he can add value. He will sit in on your meeting before he speaks and meet as many participants as he can. His goal is to have your people say, "Wow! How did he know so much about us - it is like he worked with us." His energy level will be contagious!


After the event: Chip is all about his message being "sticky" and live long after he leaves the stage. This "Stay Switched On"  package is valued at over $5000 and empowers my clients who want to maximize their long term return on investment.


Audio/video recording rights to my presentation. You hired me to deliver an amazing customized experience for your participants. It would be a shame for them to hear it only once! Repetition is the mother of skill. You have the rights to record my program and get out to anyone not in attendance for everyone to hear it again.

$1500 flat fee for travel for all domestic programs, client is responsible for handouts, hotel and ground transportation in the event city. Each fee includes all research time, phone interviews, customization and time to prepare an excellent program.



• Keynote program up to 2 hours: $15,000


• Half-day: $20,000 or Chip "bookends the day" by opening AND closing the day


• Local/association/non-profit/industry groups - $12,000 for up to 2 hours


• Europe, Australia, Asia, Middle East, South America - $25,000 for up to two hours


Travel Expenses: $1500 flat fee for travel for domestic events. Client responsible for booking hotel room, king, non-smoking, and billed directly to your organization. Boards for the Board Break Experience are the client’s responsibility. Order boards from, the 1" thick 12 x 7 boards. $3000 flat fee travel for international events.

Is Chip Worth It?

World-class successful events…Leave nothing to chance.


• Caribbean, Europe, Mexico, Central America - $17,500 for up to 2 hours


• Australia, Asia, Middle East, South America - $20,000 for up to two hours


• Small Regional events under 100 - Call me for special consideration.


Multiple engagements with one client will be given reduced fee consideration based on the locations and dates.


Travel Expenses: $1500 flat fee for travel (airfare, meals, parking).  Client responsible for booking hotel room - should be guaranteed for late arrival, king, non-smoking, and billed directly to your organization. Auto mileage is figured at $.55 per mile. Boards for the Board Break Experience are the clients responsibility. Order board from, the 1" thick 12 x 8 boards. $1500 travel fee to be paid in advance with the deposit to secure the event. Business class airfare for Europe, Pacific Rim, South America and Africa.


1. Only expenses to client are hotel room/tax and event ground transportation. Both expenses should be direct billed to client master account.


2. Travel expenses that are included in total fee will cover airfare, home ground transportation, parking, meals, tips, and any other expense.


3. Please call for special discounted fees on multi-city, multi-day or other customized packages.


World-class successful events…Leave nothing to chance.

That’s why Chip created the Stay Switched On Package, valued at more than $5,000, to engage and excite your audience BEFORE the event and leverage his long-term strategies and solutions AFTER he has left the stage.


And it’s included in every speaking fee.

Results you can count on.  Return On Investment like you’ve never seen.

Everything you need make your event EXTRAORDINARY!


To start customizing YOUR Stay Switched On Package today, call Chip at 865-300-2742.


Copyright 2022 © Chip Eichelberger - All rights reserved | Motivational Speaker and Keynote Speaker - Get Switched On! | Design & Marketing By: Forty-Second Street, Inc