If your team needs reenergizing, rely on accountability at work to get everyone focused. Holding them accountable encourages them to own their performance. In his high-energy, interactive, workshop-style programs, Chip shares his ‘Own It’ philosophy, motivating your audience to expand their vision and make a compelling game plan so they consistently reach or surpass their goals.


Many people are afraid to measure results, but tracking activities can be highly motivating. You could track key performance indicators (KPIs) that drive sales or key metrics in your health and wellness program. Reinforce KPIs by seeking out what your team members do well. Build people up with praise and acknowledge them for doing something right. This sets up an atmosphere to empower the group and create a shift from being good, to being great!


A successful year starts with personal accountability; and initiative at work. Track your team’s KPIs and have daily reports on essential activities. Write it down, display it, track it, and celebrate when you see people moving in the right direction! Then sit back and watch as your team begins to improve, flourish, and grow.


Keeping score can be fun and strengthen your team. Focus on the improvements and what is working. Remember that positive reinforcement is crucial. Don’t track too many things that can cause people to feel overwhelmed. Focus on the main tasks that drive your business forward.


Accountability at Work Re-energizes

Your Team to Get Results

Raving Fans

"If you want to bring energy to your company event Chip Eichelberger is a great choice. For two years running Chip engaged our leaders by making them think about their choices, realize what was important and understand their reality – all while having fun. The "Board Break Experience" was a fantastic end to our leadership off-site and left all attendees feeling pumped up, energized and ready to move forward – I would highly recommend it. We also hired Chip to Switch On and open our annual Users Conference where he got a standing ovation from 900+ customers."


Jeff Bender CEO

Glendia Bursey EA

Harris Computer Systems

Hire Chip for Energizing Sessions on Accountability at Work


Chip’s sessions inspire teams to have accountability at work, improve results and stretch to achieve more on a regular basis. He has presented over 1,000 customized and successful programs in 20 years with rave reviews. As the international point person for world renowned Tony Robbins, Chip’s powerful blend of motivational, entertaining and practical content will ignite your team and shift them into action.


Chip’s high-energy, interactive workshop-style programs leave your people with lasting motivation long after the program is over. Known for doing his homework, he researches your company and talks to your key people to connect with audiences and deliver a relatable program that wows the audience. Chip makes meeting planners look good.


Contact Chip directly at 865-300-2742 or complete the form below now.




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