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"Every employee is fighting a battle. Equip them with the tools to win. Make them more resilient, reduce absenteeism and your health care spend."

Understand the offer.


Don't hire just a speaker! Engage with a PARTNER with a 27 year track record of success and 1000 successful events. Get the live experience and drive better physical and mental habits AFTER the program. Hire me now and get a proven, customized, high-energy, interactive live or virtual program AND any 12 of my 37 "snackable content" wellness videos.

If you look up the word ENERGIZE in the dictionary you will likely find a

picture of Chip Eichelberger. You challenged our 9800 associates to reevaluate and

recharge their performance and know their numbers. The 37 Video Wellness Series

enhances our Well-Being Max wellness program with the education and motivation

to drive healthy habits and target our biggest health care spends – hypertension,

type 2 diabetes, heart disease, back pain, and other targeted wellness topics.

You help to turbo charge associate productivity.

LENNAR HOMES - Jon Jaffe - President/Melissa Kelly - Dir. of Benefits

Understand what is at stake.


- The leading cause of death in America/Canada is not heart disease, cancer,

stroke or diabetes. It is the unhealthy lifestyle too many people are addicted

to which is the true cause.


- Too many employees do not know their key health metrics and lack a

game plan to reverse (not manage with drugs) dangerous health conditions.


- How many of your employees battle obesity? Currently 42.9% of adults are

OBESE and it is getting worse as child obesity explodes. (CDC)


- The true epidemic is Type 2 Diabetes - 1 in 10, over 37 million Americans

have given themselves this lifestyle “disease”. An astounding 1 in 3 are

“prediabetic” and 80% do not know it. (CDC)


- How many have/will have hypertension, heart disease, cancer, back

pain, injuries, depression, or a stroke? Lennar Homes reports one associate with hypertension

will be a health care spend of over $14k a year.


- One-third of workers report high levels of stress. This can create a burden

for employers in health care costs, periods of disability, absenteeism, job

turnover and poor productivity. (UMASS/Lowell)

Getting Started - Take Care of Your #1 Asset

You Can Not Out Run a Big Mac - Nekoosa

Be a 3%' - Choosing a Heart Healthy Lifestyle

Get Smart Quit Sugary Drinks

Dealing with Stress to Avoid Burnout

4% Solution - Investing In You

"We had Chip speak at each production plant to kick-off our Safety/Wellness Fairs and help launch our new wellness app. Reviews were tremendous, the content powerful and his engagement reached many who have never heard a message like this before.

Our goal is to improve productivity, employee health behaviors, reduce elevated health risks and health care costs. This video series to drive healthy habits is the cornerstone of our program."




Kristy Ninneman, HR Director

The Good News.


- I am a pro with a proven track record. Get an idea of my style here. Chip’s interactive “workshop style” has been effective for thousands to reevaluate what is most important and to recommit to make the DECISION to take better care of their #1 Asset – Their health and vitality.


- Among the 22 different studies ( that looked at investment in wellness and healthcare costs - “For every dollar that was spent on the program, the company saved $3.27 because of reduced healthcare costs, reduced sick days, higher productivity and decreased overall health costs.” A 327% Return!


- Younger workers are much more interested in work-life balance than earlier generations of workers. Becoming an “EMPLOYER OF CHOICE” to attract, recruit and retain good workers will increasingly depend on creating a healthy work-life balance culture.


- Take Action - Contact Chip for a free consultation to explore what is possible.


Enhance Mental and Physical Health To Switch On Energy and Drive Revenue

Without effective mental, physical, relationship, financial and wellness habits, employees' work product will lack horsepower and personal lives will suffer.


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1. Watch Chip in action and check out his written and video testimonials.

2. Call Chip to discuss your unique needs and how he can add the most value.

3. Get an interactive, high-energy tailored presentation and have your best event ever.

The Right Speaker Is Your Insurance Policy

That Your Event Won't Be a Flop


“You invested the time to understand our culture. You've inspired everyone to not only be better bankers and leaders, but to be their BEST self always! You kept the session full of energy with a good mix of content and humor.”

“His presentation was engaging, interactive and peppered with just the right amount of humor. He took the time to research our industry and his message was spot-on. The Board Break Experience was amazing.”

“You really got our resellers thinking differently and motivated them to make some serious changes about life, the way they handle referrals and documenting their success. You were rated a 5 out of 5 and one gave you a 27!”

Andrew Bregenzer

Metro NY Regional President

TD Bank

Ron Lawrence

Channel Account Manager


Anne Frenette

Vice President, Television Operations

National Association of Broadcasters


Let Chip make you look like a genius at your next event!



    Former International Point Man For Tony Robbins

    Proven Pro for 24+ Years

    1,000+ Interactive Programs Delivered

    Rated Top 5 Speaker for 3 years In A Row By

    Tony’s Sales Leader/Top Salesperson Jantzen Sportswear


How To Put On The Best Event Ever

Your opening/closing speaker will make all the difference









Copyright 2022 © Chip Eichelberger - All rights reserved | Motivational Speaker and Keynote Speaker - Get Switched On! | Design & Marketing By: Forty-Second Street, Inc